Thursday, August 12, 2010

I miss college =(

Now that results are out, college journey has officially ended. No more association with college, except for that 'a' word, as in alumnus lol.

I think I wanna sound emo by saying that i miss college. The awesome friends, the kick-ass lab sessions, the sleepy classes, Ms Agnes' (very) frequent laughter, Ms Chandra's trick questions, Ms Lillian's smile, Ms Lourdes' sarcasm, Jeremy's mop-like supposedly Justin Bieber-ish hair, etc.

Then again, we move on. That's life I guess. It's just like we cant stick to roti canai all the time (my obsession with roti canai has being diagnosed - Roti canai Obsession Tantamount to Insanity or ROTI) It hasnt really sunk into me yet that we may never have a 100% attendance rendezvous. Well, some of you should get me lol.

I miss college =(

Why cant this post be more interesting?

Because my brain's dead from 99 hours of playing a certain game on the PS2 since the holidays HAHA.

"Change is the only constant" - Heraclitus

Ciao =/