Friday, January 29, 2010


Wahai para posmen yang hantar snail mail kepada rumah saya,

Sila tengok betul betul sebelum hantarkan mail kerana saya selalu dapatkan mail Monahendren. For your information nama saya Kevin Wong. Itu Monahendren tinggal di sebelah jalan la. Lousy punya posmen hantarkan dua mail yang sepatutnya berlainan address kepada saya serentak. Hello, one house can only have one address la. Kalau dikau send wrong lagi saya akan slap kau. Haha ku penge-slap yang keji.

Wah BM ku makin hari makin canggih. Boleh incorporate english juga. 1Malaysia ftw!


On a side note, my apologies to aunt may. I hope u can survive the handbag slinging menace. I mean what can happen? Unless inside the handbag got rocks la. Or a ping pong bat which will make Michelle laugh. *jaws theme*

Off to fight the supervillian Insomnia!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

judgement day

Not that this is the kind of Sarah Conner-Skynet-robots will rule the world-bla bla bla-lots of explosions type of Judgement day. This is worse. THIS IS IT!! (sorry MJ)

My mind is imagining things. My heart is spewing adrenaline. My hands are trembling in anticipation. And...I choose not to elaborate further on what's happening to the other part(s) of my anatomy. Oops this is such a giveaway.

(Ignore previous paragraph)

The mind ponders upon the things I'll do if I do badly. Options include:
a) jumping down from Burj Dubai
b) go on shopping spree
c) pee in the lab
d) do lots of integration
e) go to the Sahara and disguise myself as a camel and spend the rest of my life there. It's a desert out there.
f) paint the staff rooms black

(ignore previous paragraph)

Anyways I hope my friends who are facing the same predicament as me can stand against the boogeyman that is AS Results Day. Good luck to all =)

(I guess most people would've ignored this paragraph as well considering how much crass i'm blogging here. I insist that you be given an award for reading thus far. Why are you still reading this? Go panic, or sleep, or sumthing.


Friday, January 22, 2010

my day in point form

Today, I
- forgot it was ielts results day
- went to collect it with 30 per cent of pm4 in anticipation of their mockery if I failed
- thanked god for blessing me with an 8.5 score
- turned my head until kepala pening during maths
- tumpang-ed ashveer who was kind enough to drop me near AmCorp mall for my appointment although he ended up (ostensibly) being stuck in one of those legendary Federal highway traffic jams
- found out that Ju Ee applied for the same 4 out of 5 unis in UK
- realised this means I have a 0.2X0.2 chance of witnessing her out-of-this-world intelligence even in tertiary education if i study in UK
- thinks I've got the probability wrong
- well at least I remember how to do partial fractions =)
- cannot come up with something more interesting to blog about

even the post title is lame. urgh.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sleep dept

sleep deprived-sleeps 7 hours a day-used to sleep 12 hours- miss afternoon naps- having afternoon nap insomnia-will die of cell degeneration at this rate-slaps self to keep self awake while typing this totally random post-so contradictory right this lame post-sleepy but cant fall asleep-talking crap-urgh AS results-urgh back to sulking about my inability to sleep

My sleep debts are getting insurmountable. If there's a sleep ah long collecting sleep debts, I'd been chopped to smithereens. you cant chop a person to smithereens technically, but then again there's no sleep ah long. So what man

AS RESULTS IN 5 DAYS TIME hence the insanity. Need to do caps locking coz somebody said I only hinted in my previous post. SO NOW HAVE TO DO IT NOT-SO-SUBTLY. HA. HA.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Stalker stalker where are you

A person who follows and watches another person over a long period of time in a way which is annoying or frightening.

Anyways there is a stalker in all of us =)Michelle stalks people from Starbucks, Nadhi from her apartment unit, Amanda does extensive research on XXX and can sketch his face (esp the jaw bone) with eyes shut, and I stalk people from the ECA window (dont do anything silly in front of the gate lest you want me to see it =D)

People stalk for various reasons: too free/lifeless/bored/siao/"just happen to be there"/looking for prey/the list goes on.

oh just admit it stalkers out there =)))))

on a sidenote college was AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING-ly sleep inducing. For starters Ashveer doesnt respond to my wanna-kena-slap taunts =((((((((((( Bad bad Ashveer.

Anyways it should get interesting soon. AS results in 9 days!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

tests galore

I've been through all sorts of tests recently. Driving, IELTS, then driving test again, only this time my mum is the examiner. She'll yell. She'll scream. She'll make good use of her lungs.

Thanks goodness IELTS was manageable. Other than speaking test which I'm not too confident of now.

EXAMINER: Do you go straight home after college?
ME: No la. Got TURN one.

Ok so it wasnt that bad. I was speaking nonsense at some point, and was hoping she (the examiner) would laugh at my jokes, but to no avail. Let's put a smile on that face now shall we?

Urgh. College begins in 3 days. I can't wait, but part of me dreads college. The homework, the results, A2. When will exam life be finally over? Exam life = homework before exam + stress during exams + anxiety after exams. Which is basically the entire semester.

I cannot wait.

Nah I was joking. I can wait. In the meantime can Mrs Mary extend our holidays? Like until 2109?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dawn of nightmares

I just realised College starts next Wednesday and not Thursday. LOL! Have to go orientation on Tuesday summore. LOL-er! I kena marah (dramatically) by michelle coz I forgot about it. LOL-est!

Sigh guess it's a rude awakening to a slumber I thought would never end. Dammit.

p/s: according to the wise michelle LOL in BM is KKK (ketawa keluar kuat)
p/p/s: college starts in 5 days. er i lazy to count but sumwhere around there i guess
p/p/p/s: i havent done chem assignment, which is basically copy paste from mark scheme. No-brainer i guess
p/p/p/p/s: what if i start speaking manglish during ielts?


The nightmare of (academic) college life is about to begin. Good night, and good luck. *laughs like a deranged maths teacher*

Monday, January 4, 2010


Helo wahai sekalian,

Lepas ku baca blog kat Michelle tu saya rasa saya perlu buat pengumuman yang penting iaitu saya telah lulus ujian memandu saya. Woo hoo! Maaf la Dewan Bahasa sebab takde versi BM untuk woohoo. Kalau ada cepat beritahu kat saya ya.

Sebenarnya saya telah lulus hampir seminggu tapi saya rasa tiada apa spesial pun. Eh mmg ada perkataan spesial tapi ku tak tau eja la. Mungkin sebab itu cacat punya sekolah pandu tangguhkan ujian saya hingga semua lembu pun dah balik rumah. Jadi ku pun tak rasa apa-apa pun walaupun telah pass itu test. Bodohnya sekolah pandu saya. Ada lagi ke adjektif yang lebih ekstrim? Sebab bodoh itu bunyinya biasa je. Tapi saya syukur kerana boleh dapatkan lesen saya setelah sekian lama.

Lebih baik lambat daripada tidak bergerak langsung - Kelirukan Kami (Confusius a.k.a Confuse Us)

Eh cukup la dengan quote kamu tu. Lu ingat seronok ke ha?

Kalau saya hantarkan ini kepada Kementerian Pendidikan, mungkin A1 BM saya akan di-review. Oh tak peduli la.

Oh saya harap blog post ni tak timbulkan kontroversi sebab BM ini yang teruk. KKDL (Ketawa Keluar Dengan Lantang - Laugh Out Loud a.k.a LOL) Sebab tu la saya kurang suka BM. Panjaaaaaaaaang sangat.

Ok saya janji akan post Bahasa Cina lain kali ya! Harap-harap la Kementerian Pendidikan tidak me-review A1 untuk BC saya.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Reality sinks in

Now that all the hype about the new year is over, it's time to wake up. Hello, lu belum buat homework lu. If I had a tonne of homework, I'd finished like, 2 milligrams of it. Yay!! Probably skipping physics homework. Maybe I'll complete half of maths. Chem, I leave it into the hands of my more capable group mates =) Nah just pulling your leg. Will probably do a bit of chem. I can never remember what to do though.

The holidays have been like Singapore, Ipoh, food, food, driving, food, driving test postponed, food, food, cough, stomach ache, driving, flu, driving test postponed, driving test postponed, IELTS, christmas, IELTS test, friends, movies, driving test (finally) and food. Hectic, but felt like I've done nothing productive at all *slaps self*

Dammit. How to intergrate 2 cos squared 2 thetha? Die. What's the difference between amino acid, amine and amides? Die.

I dunno what or how 2010 will be like. I'm guessing it'll be a lot of intergrating amines. Integrate amine = amides.

The suspense is killing me.